The Artist is Jerry Offerman, a UUVC Friend.

The large acrylic painting representing UUVC values, displayed in our main entrance lobby, was painted by artist Jerry Offerman as part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2016.  

Our Values

A theology of both soul and mind is a hallmark of our liberal religion. The freedom to pursue our individual spiritual paths is highly valued. We have a collective appreciation for all of the arts, and social justice is in our heritage. We are a  loving community, open to religious diversity and caring for the whole of the world. 


Components of the painting:

The painting is divided into areas of Intellectual, Artistic, Emotional, Spiritual, Religious and Justice attributes. That all of these values are inextricably woven into the fabric of our lives is illustrated by the flowing waves around the flames of the Chalice lamp.

The Chalice – The symbol of Unitarian Universalism. is the central figure of this painting. Our heritage is represented by the names on the front ring of many influential Unitarians and Universalists throughout history.

The depiction of Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of these influential persons, seated on a mountain top and posed as Rodin’s “The Thinker," illustrates the value of a life-long pursuit of knowledge and truth. 

The Scroll represents the value and knowledge gained from those who came before us. “Cogito ergo Sum” (Rene’ Descartes) – the full quote being “I doubt, therefore I Think; I Think, therefore I am."

The Galaxy/Space – The real creation story that we and all life come from the matter of stars.

The Infinity Symbol and the Formulas depict the interconnectedness of all things – matter, energy, time, and space.

The Arts depicts our appreciation and participation in all of the arts.

The World, flowing from Emerson’s heart and supported by hands, represents our love for our world and concern for all life and the environment.

The Olive Branch and Clasping Hands depict our pursuit of peace in personal relations and within the greater world, including racial and sexual harmony and equality.

The presentation of Coins represents support with time, talent and treasure. Generosity is one of our core values.

Religious Symbols of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism depict our respect for other religions and everyone’s right to an honest search for truth.

The Statue of Liberty represents justice and all of the liberties and freedoms we value and respect.

UUVC Values Painting Notecards are available, click here to contact Kim Townsan