Board of Directors
The UUVC Board meets on the 4th Thursday at 2:00 (See church calendar)
Leadership Team FY 24-25
President – Debbie Bostick
Vice President – Judy Johnson
Treasurer – John Gonzales
Secretary – Christine Hasbrouck
Members at Large – Penny Bead, Jim Hasbrouck
Ex Officio - Rev. Mark Walz
The Board sets policy and direction for UUVC. It oversees all the business and function of the church. Except for the President, members serve two-year overlapping terms. The church year is July 1 to June 30.
Our Board is comprised of:
The president, who presides over both board and congregational meetings,
The vice-president, who is president-elect, and coordinates standing committees,
The secretary, who records and reports both board and congregational decisions,
The treasurer, who manages all church funds,
Two members-at-large who may be given special assignments by the board, and
The Immediate past-president, who serves as advisor.
CONTACT - Board Secretary
FY 22-23 Board (Last Church Year)
Front - Ducky Berkley-Treasurer, Patty Dacus-Past President, Kim Townsan-President
Back - Reverend Mark Walz, Steve Owen-Member at Large, Colleen Boardman-Member at Large, John Swinburn-Vice President, Marlene Kloack-Secretary